Wednesday, May 2, 2012

French Phrases to Help You (Me) Get Along: Part 1

Stereotype of French people: mean, impatient, rude, etc.
French people in reality*: generally nice, polite, to the point, but I mean, no one really likes the person who talks your ear off

*EXCEPTION: French teenagers and college kids. They are SO JUDGEY. For reals.

I think that what happens a lot of the time is that people forget that France has a really strong culture of politeness. It also has a really strong culture of meaningful shrugs and "Hmm, MAYBE" facial expressions. If you can master a really strong shrug, a good "maybe you have a point, maybe I have a point" face (it helps if your mouth turns down but your eyes widen, almost like a clown but not, somehow), and the following few phrases, you'll be golden. I'm thinking of turning this into a series as I learn more, hence the "Part 1" at the top.

Bonjour Madame/Monsieur: Everyday greeting. It's polite. You HAVE to say this at the beginning of pretty much every social interaction, especially when you walk into a store. Especially.
(After 4pm version: Bonsoir Madame/Monsieur)
Oh also, when you leave a store, be sure to always say "Au revoir" and, if you're feeling extra nice, the following phrase...

Bonne journee (Bonne soiree): Esentially translates to "Have a good day (afternoon, evening)." You don't HAVE to say this, but people really perk up and are super nice when you do. Then, if you go back or if you see them again, they are generally a bit friendlier at the start. It's super easy to do and makes a big difference.

Oui: technically it means yes, when I say it, it often means, "I kind of didn't understand what you just said but you're smiling, so I'm going to take a chance and say yes and/or agree with whatever you just said." Often accompanied by a tentative smile.

Peut-ĂȘtre: Means maybe. For me, often has the same meaning as Oui, but when I'm even less sure of what you just said. This one is riskier than oui though, because "maybe" doesn't always make sense. Exhibit A:

Host's younger brother (my age, turned away from me): So, do you like Paris? (as I later found out was the original question)

What I heard: "Fastmumble you mumblemumble"

Me [Tentative shrug, half-smile, as he turns around for my response]: Peut-ĂȘtre

Brother: Maybe? That's not really an answer for this question

Me: Oh. Umm...

End scene. Picture me blushing, asking him to repeat and then still not giving an answer to his liking, though I did manage to answer truthfully this time.

More phrases to come as I think of them/run across new ones...

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