Thursday, April 19, 2012


Ah, election season, it comes but once a year. When I came to Paris, I was terribly disappointed that I would be missing the ASSU election season. What would I do without transparency, diversity, and increased student input (not to mention more free t-shirts and puppy time every Tuesday)? Imagine my delight to discover that I had the privilege of witnessing ISEP's (our host school) very own student-body elections instead. From what I could tell, there were a couple of different platforms but one really stood out-- JUS'TIZ TEAM, which was all about AMERICA.

**Disclaimer: These pictures are TERRIBLE and small. I had to take them sneakily in the fluorescent-lit hallway on my phone.

JUS'TIZ STADIUM: Awww yeah. Football. Beer. Flags. Cheerleaders. AMERICA.

An army of French college students (supporters/members of JUS'TIZ TEAM??) walked around wearing fake varsity jackets all week. It was... puzzling. 

Leading the way to JUS'TIZ STADIUM, naturally.

Random road signs were propped all along the hallway.

And license plates hung from the ceiling. (They had one from Arizona! Which was random, but whatever.)

In case you can't read the speech bubble, it says, "California Love!" Indeed. It think that might be some sort of superhero, but don't hold me to it.

One last thing-- a lot of the French students invited us to their campaign party (with a 15 euro cover charge!! Thanksbutnothanks) and kept hyping up the fact that they were going to have red cups to drink out of. Red cups, as in, red Solo cups, as in, so ubiquitous to be even past cliche (maybe...). The funny thing is, I think we only use them because they're everywhere and easy to get; yet, here in France, they represent the ultimate American college party time because of their inclusion in lots of movies and tv shows.
I think the best part was, upon hearing the hype, one (American) guy blurted out, "Wait, red cups aren't normal here? What do you drink out of??!"

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